Haven't been update this site and forum for awhile, been really busy with some real life projects.
Since July 2014 , Me and Oreo are started a product design project together, that's when oreo taught me how to use blender(a free 3d modeling software),
http://www.blender.org/download/we design some prototype and encountered trouble trying to verify the design with real life parts. Then we think about 3d print our design. After the parts from shapeways.com turned to be unusable, to avoid wasting more money with prints to order method, We decide to buy our own 3D printer. Oreo said he's been researching the RepRap 3D printers for awhile, so we go ahead and ordered a do it yourself 3D printer kit. Our first 3D printer is a Makerfarm Prusa 10". Which cost about $700 after adding up the cost of external power source.
Here our battle with 3D printer begin, a journey full of joy as well as sadness.
first day of assemble:
Just opened the box.
Assorted the small parts into a divided cardboard box.
buidling up the printer bedding
Vertical main-frame up and added the x-bridge and z-railing
Combined xy and z axis together. we got the printer 70% done on first daygetting really late, gotta sleep. ZZzzz...
to be continued...